Monday, November 16, 2009

Devoxx day 1

First victory: Got here on time despite the dutch traffic early in the morning.

First talk of the day:
jBPM in Action
- What are business processes;
- History.. hey it started in Belgium (humm figures);
- What is BPM and jBPM in particular;
jBPM Concepts
- BPMN 2
- BPEL 2
Demo Examples
-(cool, live coding :-D)
- how to configure Eclipse for jBPM4
- custom activity types.. nice!
- (should I have been in the cloud computing session instead? well, RH did pay my ticket…)
What's next
- Insame amount of new features in the incubator

Second talk of the day:
SOA, OpenESB and OpenSSO Programming with Passion
- Based on
- openESB
- Java EE Service Engine
- SSO within an enterprise

Third talk of the day:
The Jungle of the Web - A Way to Survive by Detecting Fast Flux Botnets
- botnets
- different flux types: single, double, hydra flux
- detecting fast-flux botnets
- fluxy a tool to help detect fast-flux botnet

Fourth talk of the day:
The Next Generation Profiling and Diagnostics Tools
Ok, this turned out to be just a pitch for Oracle's JRockit toolset which made it pretty useless for me. As far as alternative JVM's go I'll stick with Azul. :-D

Still, I have to admit that the Mission Control toolset is pretty impressive, and the promised new features in the upcoming version 4 are making me think on how I can fit this in my Architecture.

Unfortunately I am too tired to attend. I would have enjoyed this one and specially The Java tuning puzzlers talk. A well, I'll have to check the screencasts when they come up.

Tot ziens!

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