Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Devoxx (half)day 2

First talk of the day:
java ee 6 platform
- java ee 6 and Glassfish 3
- history
- new features of jee6: jax-rs, jcdi, @inject, bean validation, interceptors, managed beans
- less xml
- pruning of jax-rp,c jax-r and entity cpm 2.x (jee 7 might kill them totally)
- ejb lite
- managed beans 1.0
- jpa 2.0 annotations (are cool)
- servlets 3.0
- ejb 3.1
- live coding again (have I said how cool this is?)
- jsf 2.0 (mojarra)

Second talk of the day
SOA in practice
- loose coupling is not always an answer
- technical driven vs business driven services
- esb is not always an answer
- meet the SOA stack
eam + bp + esb/web services + services (business driven self contained interfaces)
- conway's law

organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations

- satir change model

- you can't buy SOA
- reuse is not a valid business case for SOA
- distributed process development brings added costs
- SOA needs to be supported from the top down and established from the bottom up

Whoa… that was heavy! Very nice presentation from Nicolai Josuttis (I even ran to buy his book afterwards).

In unrelated news… 2 days. That's how long my project lasted without me. I am going back to the office tomorrow to help fight the chaos demonstrated in the graph above... but hopefully will be present in the last 2 days of the conference!

Tot ziens!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Devoxx day 1

First victory: Got here on time despite the dutch traffic early in the morning.

First talk of the day:
jBPM in Action
- What are business processes;
- History.. hey it started in Belgium (humm figures);
- What is BPM and jBPM in particular;
jBPM Concepts
- BPMN 2
- BPEL 2
Demo Examples
-(cool, live coding :-D)
- how to configure Eclipse for jBPM4
- custom activity types.. nice!
- (should I have been in the cloud computing session instead? well, RH did pay my ticket…)
What's next
- Insame amount of new features in the incubator

Second talk of the day:
SOA, OpenESB and OpenSSO Programming with Passion
- Based on http://www.javapassion.com/soaprogramming
- openESB
- Java EE Service Engine
- SSO within an enterprise

Third talk of the day:
The Jungle of the Web - A Way to Survive by Detecting Fast Flux Botnets
- botnets
- different flux types: single, double, hydra flux
- detecting fast-flux botnets
- fluxy a tool to help detect fast-flux botnet

Fourth talk of the day:
The Next Generation Profiling and Diagnostics Tools
Ok, this turned out to be just a pitch for Oracle's JRockit toolset which made it pretty useless for me. As far as alternative JVM's go I'll stick with Azul. :-D

Still, I have to admit that the Mission Control toolset is pretty impressive, and the promised new features in the upcoming version 4 are making me think on how I can fit this in my Architecture.

Unfortunately I am too tired to attend. I would have enjoyed this one and specially The Java tuning puzzlers talk. A well, I'll have to check the screencasts when they come up.

Tot ziens!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Busy week ahead

It's going to be a really busy week for me!

First of all I'm going to Devoxx in Antwerp which is one of my favorite cities in Belgium.

There will be Conferences, BOFs, talks about Clouds, BPM, Scala, Architecture, SOA, Java…

Well, I think the logo correctly expresses the absolute ehhh.. mesh(?) that this conference is going to be.

Second of all, there will be an update to the platform @work early Monday morning which I will have to support remotely.

This should prove to be an easy task, but still..

Last but not least, the final stage of my first *BIG* project as an IT Architect is also starting this week. Hurray for me, it seems to be going better than anticipated!

As a personal (added) challenge, I am trusting some colleagues to be able to follow my project plan and deliver the results in time and with quality. Delegating as never been my strong point, but this is how confident I am right now.

Well, that's it for now, I will keep you posted on significative developments.

Tot ziens!