Monday, February 23, 2009

Amsterdam.rb meeting tonight

The event will be held at the Amsterdam office of TTY Internet Solutions, which you can find here

19:00 - doors open
19:30 - Jeroen van Dijk - UML-based scaffolding
19:50 - Martijn van Excel -
20:20 - break
20:35 - Ola Bini presenting Ioke
21:10 - TTY - About quality
21:30 - break
21:45 - Phusion's Ninh Bui & Hongli Lai - design by contract
22:10 - Axel Roest about rubycocoa
22:30 / 23:30 - drinks

This will be a exciting night out for ruby geeks in Amsterdam! I look forward to see and hear Ola Bini and the Phusion crew above all others.

I will try to write a post-meeting post with any interesting stuff that comes out of it. Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let's party like it's 1234567890

It's time to party like it's 1234567890 – 'cause it is! In Unix time at least.

Apparently a much lesser celebration is also taking place now, Valentine's Day. So if you didn't understand the first sentence in this post Happy V-Day, if you did you probably don't have a girlfriend anyway so never mind.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Real men don't dance

This is the original performance that got CENSORED in '93 from the Letterman show. On January 30 2009, 16 years later, it got aired. Finally.
